
Tips Acupuncture: How Acupuncture Works Curing Disease

Acupuncture is a method of Chinese medicine were found thousands of years ago .

You might ask how the needles are inserted into the skin may help treat the disease .

Acupuncture is often classified in Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) . Obviously , because it is derived from Chinese acupuncture .

How Can Acupuncture Work ?

Inserting fine needles into specific points in the body is a technique used in acupuncture to reduce pain and for other therapeutic purposes .

These points , according to TCM , located in the area where the qi or life energy flows . Meridian is a term commonly used to refer to the area of energy flow .

According to the concept of TCM , there are twelve major meridians in the body . At points that acupuncture needles inserted . Meridian is directly related to various organs such as the liver , kidneys , and lungs .

There are many diseases that can be treated through acupuncture . Acupuncture is often used to treat pain such as arthritis and headaches . Acupuncture can also be used as a weight loss .

Acupuncture is often received criticism that it did not reveal any anatomical or histological basis for acupuncture points on the human body .

But on the other hand , research shows acupuncture effective for treating some conditions though scientifically discredited .

According to TCM , the balance between Yin and Yang is needed to keep the body healthy . Yin and Yang are the opposing forces , but work together in synergy .

Yin and Yang can be equated with the dark and light , male and female , or high and low . Yin is considered associated with femininity , masculinity while dealing with Yang .

Blood flow and energy of life which is very important in view of the current TCM . Somewhat difficult to get a word equivalent to qi . But qi is often translated as life energy .

In certain parts of the body , qi is sometimes excessive or less or even no flow at all .

Reduce or increase the flow of qi , is the goal of acupuncture . With the flow of qi is back to normal and smooth , then the body will be healthy again .

Although the scientific evidence is still not sufficient , acupuncture has been shown to result in complaints and overcome various diseases .

You can consider acupuncture for the treatment of a safe and natural alternative with no side effects .

Acupuncture has passed the test of centuries and still used by many people to improve their health .