
Get rid of Head Pain with Acupuncture

If you are frequently attacked headache but a doctor's examination found no abnormalities or infections , you may be suffering from primary headache . The data showed 95 percent of patients who come in because of complaints of headache suffered a means of primary headache is not caused tumor or other serious medical problems .

According to traditional Chinese medicine , the main cause of head pain is usually associated with psychological factors , such as emotional factors or excess physical workload . Wrong diet , excessive sexual activity , heredity and too often breeds in close proximity can also trigger headaches .

" Pain arising basically caused due to the flow of energy or chi is not smooth . Therefore often find people who still feel the pain , although x-rays and medical examination showed no problems . This occurs when the organ is good material but its function is ugly , "said Michael Fang , acupuncturist Tirtayu Healing Center of Jakarta .

Healing acupuncture style not just dealing with the symptoms or "shoot straight " section that gave rise to pain or other complaints . "Handling the principle of yin and yang balance . Acupuncture technique aims to balance the chi circulation , " said Michael .

In view of acupuncture , each paired organ , the organ solid and hollow organs . For example liver organ is paired with the gall bladder , the kidneys with the bladder , the heart of the small intestine , the colon lung , and spleen with the stomach .

" Workload can physically injure spleen energy and kidney yin . Kidney yin deficiency can cause headaches which eventually evolved into a comprehensive migraine along the gallbladder meridian , " said Michael pointed out .

In the case of excessive sexual activity , the kidney is not enough energy and time to produce sperm that can cause liver organ ( kidney organ that is considered child ) to fatigue and headache triggers .
Therefore, according to the man who is also an expert Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) , when treating patients suffering from head pain in the forehead , the needles will not be stuck on the forehead but other parts of the foot . "Basically all the acupuncture point will pass through the head so many acupuncture therapy is not inserted in the head , " he added .

Treatment with acupuncture performed in a series consisting of 12 times of arrival. Yet many patients do not complete treatment series because it felt the symptoms already disappeared .

It was also felt Hani , a woman who suffers from vertigo is only half the series underwent therapy but quit because of his illness disappeared . Previously he was regularly taking medical drugs from a doctor but did not show improvement . " After 2 weeks of doing acupuncture now I do not have recurrent vertigo . Several other complaints are disappearing , " said the mother of two children.

Michael explains , headache usually not triggered by one thing , but accompanied by other symptoms . In the case of Hani , he found a disturbance in the liver organ , causing menstrual pain or frequent choking .

To optimize healing , usually Michael also recommends his patients to take herbal medicine from China . " The combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine is very good , " he said . Even so Michael explained not all diseases can be treated with a headache acupuncture .

" Disease tumors in the head , bleeding or infection can not be overcome with acupuncture , have to undergo medical treatment . Which is incurable diseases caused more psychological factors or stress , " said Fang Clinic owner in this Cibubur numbers .