
Acupuncture Can Reduce Pain At Maternity

Acupuncture proved very useful for reducing pain in labor. "Pain is reduced because endorphins arise if the skewer, it's what we do through acupuncture. Technique we call acupuncture analgesia," said dr. Shinta Sukandar, Clinical Acupuncture Specialist, on a one-day seminar titled Comfortable Childbirth Without Pain childbirth, at the Faculty of Medicine, UI Salemba, Jakarta, Saturday (1/8).

To reduce labor pain, acupuncture actions usually begin given at the end of the third trimester, with the goal of helping the body prepare pregnant women in labor, with emphasis memperisiapkan cervix and pelvis for labor. It shortens labor. In addition to reducing labor pain, acupuncture can also be used to reduce pain pascacaesar.

Body part is pierced with needles abdomen, buttocks, arms and legs. Ditusukan needle with a slope of 45 degrees and applied to the skin, so it does not interfere with the birth process. After the needles may be stimulated manually or using electricity to power small.

Nevertheless, Shinta said, to perform labor acupuncture patients must meet the requirements, among other blood pressure should be under normal circumstances. In addition, the normal expected delivery, the patient was inpratu, cervical dilation 4 cm or more. "Another requirement is that the patient does not have an allergy to metal. And when in the middle of a disparity, then acupuncture should be stopped and performed other acts" he said.

Shinta also reminded that acupuncture can reduce not only eliminate pain. "Acupuncture reduces pain by 78 percent. Acupuncture anesthesia but also not analtesi," he said.

But unfortunately, Shinta said, this labor acupuncture techniques, has not been applied in Indonesia. "Still in the early stages of research, whereas in other countries this technique has long been applied," he said.