
Acne usually affects teenagers and can cause psychological effects for those who experience it

Acne usually affects teenagers and can cause psychological effects for those who experience it .

Acne is caused by excessive production of sebum by the sebaceous glands are triggered by hormonal imbalance .

In addition to the various treatments that are known , some people believe that alternative treatments such as acupuncture can also relieve acne .

What is Acupuncture ?

Acupuncture is an alternative healing therapy that originated in China and has been practiced for treating various ailments for centuries .

Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into specific parts of the body to facilitate the flow of energy throughout the body .

Proponents of acupuncture states that ' chi ' or life energy should flow unimpeded throughout the body .

Each time the flow of chi is blocked, the circulation of life energy will also disturbed that make a person susceptible to various diseases .

The main goal of acupuncture is to correct the imbalance between the two kinds of opposite energy flow or also called ' yin ' and 'that ' .

Thus , acupuncture is a holistic approach that seeks to find and treat the cause of a disease or condition .

Acupuncture for Treating Acne

Can acupuncture help treat and reduce acne ?
Whether acupuncture is a safe method to control acne ?
In the context of acupuncture , acne arise due to accumulation of heat and humidity .
While the heat is believed to cause inflammation , moisture is believed to lead to stagnation .
Heat accumulation in the stomach pathway is believed to cause acne on the forehead and around the nose , while the heat in the abdominal cavity causing acne around the mouth .

Acne is also believed to arise when a person experiencing emotional instability .

Consumption of oily or spicy foods can also trigger the accumulation of moisture that causes acne .

Auricular acupuncture acupuncture treatment method is believed to be the most effective way to treat acne .

This method involves the stimulation of acupuncture points in the ear .

Believed that inserting needles at points on the ear to help expel heat and moisture accumulation and thus remove blockages in the flow of energy .

However, it should be understood that there is no strong scientific evidence that says acupuncture has a positive effect in the treatment of acne .

For those of you who still want to try acupuncture , it is advisable to only visit a licensed acupuncturist and experienced .

In the end , the effectiveness of acupuncture is still largely based on confidence . If you believe in the effects of alternative healing therapies , you can try acupuncture to address the problem of acne .