
Acupuncture Can Reduce Pain At Maternity

Acupuncture proved very useful for reducing pain in labor. "Pain is reduced because endorphins arise if the skewer, it's what we do through acupuncture. Technique we call acupuncture analgesia," said dr. Shinta Sukandar, Clinical Acupuncture Specialist, on a one-day seminar titled Comfortable Childbirth Without Pain childbirth, at the Faculty of Medicine,

Get rid of Head Pain with Acupuncture

If you are frequently attacked headache but a doctor's examination found no abnormalities or infections , you may be suffering from primary headache . The data showed 95 percent of patients who come in because of complaints

Overcome Stress with Acupuncture

Big city life is hard without realizing it forcing its citizens to compete . Challenging conditions and competition makes people stress that eventually can lead to the onset of various diseases , from mild to severe that seem like heart disease and cancer .

Acupuncture Reduce Menstrual Pain

We know that the menstrual period is often accompanied by a variety of complaints, especially menstrual pain. According to a review of 27 studies, researchers from South Korea stated that acupuncture is quite effective against menstrual pain.

Alternative Health Tip: Understanding Acupuncture Closer

Acupuncture literally means "needle prick". Acupuncture is the practice of entering very thin needles into the skin to stimulate specific anatomic points in the body called acupuncture points (acupoints) for therapeutic purposes or treatment.

Health Tips: Acupuncture Therapy for Treating Tinnitus

Tinnitus occurs when a person hears ringing , static or memekikan sound in one or both ears .

This can happen only whirring while or it could be a continual basis.

Tinnitus can occur due to exposure to loud noise , aging, work too hard in the long run , or kidney problems .

Acupuncture can treat tinnitus by using very fine needles are inserted into points qi ( energy ) on the body .

Tinnitus treatment with acupuncture method will give different results for each person , depending on age and condition of the patient , as well as the duration of tinnitus suffered .


In acupuncture is believed that the kidney is connected to the ear . So , if the conditions of impaired renal or weakened , then the hearing can also be affected .

Heart and Lungs

The heart can also be associated with the occurrence of tinnitus . In acupuncture , it is believed that between the heart and the mind there is a relationship .

Weak heart condition or problems with blood flow to the heart can affect the ear .

In addition , the lungs are also believed to be the organ that is connected to the ear and can be one focus of acupuncture treatment for tinnitus .


Sputum may be associated with tinnitus because it can clog the head and affect hearing .

Yin / Yang

Acupuncturist can explore the balance of yin and yang in the body . ' Yin ' in the body is represented with a liquid , such as mucus or blood , and ' who ' associated with the digestive system .

Point Acupuncture for Tinnitus Treatment

There are nine acupuncture points that can be used for the treatment of tinnitus which is connected to the kidneys .

There are seven acupuncture points that are connected at the heart of which is used by acupuncturists to treat tinnitus , and 11 points that connect the lungs and hearing .

In addition , there are 11 points on the body associated with sputum that is useful as a point of acupuncture treatment for tinnitus .

Not all acupuncture points will be used , as will be specifically chosen based on the condition and the individual patient's case .

Regardless of all the foregoing , we encourage you to consult with your doctor first before doing an alternative treatment if you have serious health conditions such as tinnitus .

Acne usually affects teenagers and can cause psychological effects for those who experience it

Acne usually affects teenagers and can cause psychological effects for those who experience it .

Acne is caused by excessive production of sebum by the sebaceous glands are triggered by hormonal imbalance .

In addition to the various treatments that are known , some people believe that alternative treatments such as acupuncture can also relieve acne .

What is Acupuncture ?

Acupuncture is an alternative healing therapy that originated in China and has been practiced for treating various ailments for centuries .

Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into specific parts of the body to facilitate the flow of energy throughout the body .

Proponents of acupuncture states that ' chi ' or life energy should flow unimpeded throughout the body .

Each time the flow of chi is blocked, the circulation of life energy will also disturbed that make a person susceptible to various diseases .

The main goal of acupuncture is to correct the imbalance between the two kinds of opposite energy flow or also called ' yin ' and 'that ' .

Thus , acupuncture is a holistic approach that seeks to find and treat the cause of a disease or condition .

Acupuncture for Treating Acne

Can acupuncture help treat and reduce acne ?
Whether acupuncture is a safe method to control acne ?
In the context of acupuncture , acne arise due to accumulation of heat and humidity .
While the heat is believed to cause inflammation , moisture is believed to lead to stagnation .
Heat accumulation in the stomach pathway is believed to cause acne on the forehead and around the nose , while the heat in the abdominal cavity causing acne around the mouth .

Acne is also believed to arise when a person experiencing emotional instability .

Consumption of oily or spicy foods can also trigger the accumulation of moisture that causes acne .

Auricular acupuncture acupuncture treatment method is believed to be the most effective way to treat acne .

This method involves the stimulation of acupuncture points in the ear .

Believed that inserting needles at points on the ear to help expel heat and moisture accumulation and thus remove blockages in the flow of energy .

However, it should be understood that there is no strong scientific evidence that says acupuncture has a positive effect in the treatment of acne .

For those of you who still want to try acupuncture , it is advisable to only visit a licensed acupuncturist and experienced .

In the end , the effectiveness of acupuncture is still largely based on confidence . If you believe in the effects of alternative healing therapies , you can try acupuncture to address the problem of acne .